if your talking about adding a cd key into steam then having it in your games list, theres a very small amount of games that can do this, most being valve games, plus dark messiah.
u can just donwload steam and add CD key somewhere. then u can use steam without using CDs anymore.iam2green
That's only on select games, and that selection is very small. You can add shortcuts to your steam list, but ultimately, you need the CD with it. The cool thing is you can still access the Steam community features through the game even though it doesn't have the CD key.
well you can load any game onto steam, but to not need the disk you must buy the game through steam so I don't think you can do what you want to.adrake4183
There are games that you can buy through retail and they use Steam natively. Shadowgrounds: Survivor, any Valve game, Dark Messiah Might and Magic come to mind.
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