Anyone know when the Steam Summer Sale is going to start? If they're going to even have one?
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It should be in the first week of July.Last year it was late June/Early July.
I'd assume it's going to be the same time this year.
Not the first week of July. It always starts near the end of June and then goes into July. GamesterpheonixJune 24th 2010, June 30th 2011, safe to assume it'll either be 28th or the 5th.
I feel like we should have a sticky for this, I keep hearing about the damn sale and its not even up for another two weeks or so.
[QUOTE="Masenkoe"]I can see it now!Needs a sticky, theres gonna be tons of threads popping up soon.
Nope, people expected it too much, but probably the 5th or 12th (apparently some developer of some random game said that would be the date), either way, they're adding dev packs and such, game bundles,, no sales this year?
I literally have $150 tucked away for this sale.
Please Gabe, please... please. Don't deny us this sale.
Im going to be buying the rest of the men of war series. But anyway...hasnt the last Thursday in June ALREADY PASSED?! Gamesterpheonix
I think I might do the same thing (and possibly Walking Dead series if it goes on sale, doubt it will though).
Got most of what I want atm for games, but got 40$ put aside just incase :P
Might end up buying a few good friends a game or two if they are cheap to
[QUOTE="Gamesterpheonix"]Im going to be buying the rest of the men of war series. But anyway...hasnt the last Thursday in June ALREADY PASSED?! kozzy1234
I think I might do the same thing (and possibly Walking Dead series if it goes on sale, doubt it will though).
Got most of what I want atm for games, but got 40$ put aside just incase :P
Might end up buying a few good friends a game or two if they are cheap to
Haha. I have most of what I want too thankfully but I like being able to pick things up for cheap just in case. Ive been completing a few more games than usual and thankfully Ive been refraining from expanding the wishlists too much. Gonna be a good sale I think - when it freaking starts. I dont understand what Steam is doing. Are they waiting for my summer class to end? lol. I dont want to wait til the 5th!Please Log In to post.
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