Since nobody seems to think this is news, Valve decided to run a FLASH sale on Brave New World 10 hours after it was released. Apparently, preordering the expansions meant absolutely nothing cosindering 10 hours later it was reduced to 33%. Nice kick in the teeth to anyone that preordered and what does Valve say? Sorry, basically, and here's a FREE copy of Civ 4 (without expansions). Cool, but most people that own Civ 5 probably already have Civ 4 and even if they don't, upgrading the "FREE" base game to include the expansions would cost basically the same as purchasing the complete version to begin with. So really, what we got was "sorry, here's something thats "FREE" but not really.
Aparently, neither GS nor IGN thinks this is news. Especialy when GS has their own show about the Steam summer sale and REFUSE to report on it. Nice journalism guys, seriously, nice journalism.
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