My 7 year old son has become really interested in trying to make commentary and instructional videos when playing games on his Wii. We did a couple with me basically just using the camera on my Samsung galaxy to record the tv screen with him speaking offscreen, because i wasn't sure how far he would go with this. Apparently he loves making these things, and i was starting to look into some of the more 'professional' methods of video capture.
When i go to stores like BEST BUY or look things up on line i can find video capture cards which look to be meant for converting VHS tapes into digital format, and they WOULD work with capturing the Wii, but i haven't found any one product that also records his audio at the same time. It looks like you have to purchase separate software in order to do the audio recording.
Do there exist ANY packages that have BOTH features in one?
And i am curious what are the suggestions you have for the most user friendly video capture and audio recording equipment and software?
I'm trying to set this up so that my son can record his videos without me there.
Thanks very much for any suggestions!
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