For those interested who couldn't get a buddy key (any questions please ask):
(no credit card needed)
NOTE: trolls and haters need not post. This is ONLY for people who want to try the game out.
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For those interested who couldn't get a buddy key (any questions please ask):
(no credit card needed)
NOTE: trolls and haters need not post. This is ONLY for people who want to try the game out.
NOTE: trolls and haters need not post. This is ONLY for people who want to try the game out. FelipeInsidelol nice try. MMO players are the most argumentative bunch of people you'll come across on the internet. Might as well just call out the inevitables that occur in every MMO-related thread on here to prevent someone on the internets to feel the need to state such opinion again like this is 'new'. >Proof that WioBares MMO failed to kill WoW and they are in desperation mode >Some dude with a crystal ball stating that this will be Guild Wars 2 in 6 months time >Post about how this game is too much like WoW >Post about how this game is not like WoW that led to its demise >That Endgame discussion > Someone, for whatever reason bringing up RL Politics >Post about not bothering and waiting for the second coming of Jesus that is GW2 - which will change the way you live your life, see colour, peel your Bananas >Some kahootz about the stupidity of SP-like content in MMOs from a Sandbox MMO pleb >Someone making an asinine conclusion that this is--or will be--Pay2Win >Someone posting a link to a TotalBiscuit video detailing that what he says about an MMO is final Bases covered? Gentlemen. *Tips Hat*
Thx Illmatic. Saved me a lot of reading :)
You forgot one:
It doesn't have 11 million subscribers, so it must be a failure.
I just feel SWTOR is like KOTOR3 with Online Co-Op. It plays more like an online KOTOR than a full blown MMO.Well I got the game on release and it's a ok game, I know this has been said so many times they should have made a KOTOR 3 rather than a MMO.
This guy would not have lasted a week under the old mod rules. I have a new game, find posts by him that are not trolling in some way. Good luck with that.the ship has sunk :P
Btw, I did not even last a month with SWTOR and think it was a big disappointment so this has nothing to do with being a fanboy. Just pre-empting your next obvious troll comment.
This guy would not have lasted a week under the old mod rules. I have a new game, find posts by him that are not trolling in some way. Good luck with that.[QUOTE="jakes456"]
the ship has sunk :P
Btw, I did not even last a month with SWTOR and think it was a big disappointment so this has nothing to do with being a fanboy. Just pre-empting your next obvious troll comment.
SWTOR let me down a bit too. I was one of the most hyped for it. Saying that, it's not as bad as most people make it out to be. It just tried too hard to copy too much from WoW, but on the flip-side tried to do other things differently. I think people were expecting the polish of WoW and the longevity of Galaxies at LAUNCH straight away. As for comments and's amazing what they let through these days. I once saw one guy directly insult another with swear words and it was considered acceptable, yet another poster can get modded for another stupid reason.[QUOTE="FelipeInside"]NOTE: trolls and haters need not post. This is ONLY for people who want to try the game out. illmatic87lol nice try. MMO players are the most argumentative bunch of people you'll come across on the internet. Might as well just call out the inevitables that occur in every MMO-related thread on here to prevent someone on the internets to feel the need to state such opinion again like this is 'new'.
>Proof that WioBares MMO failed to kill WoW and they are in desperation mode
>Some dude with a crystal ball stating that this will be Guild Wars 2 in 6 months time
>Post about how this game is too much like WoW
>Post about how this game is not like WoW that led to its demise
>That Endgame discussion
> Someone, for whatever reason bringing up RL Politics
>Post about not bothering and waiting for the second coming of Jesus that is GW2 - which will change the way you live your life, see colour, peel your Bananas
>Some kahootz about the stupidity of SP-like content in MMOs from a Sandbox MMO pleb
>Someone making an asinine conclusion that this is--or will be--Pay2Win
>Someone posting a link to a TotalBiscuit video detailing that what he says about an MMO is final Bases covered? Gentlemen. *Tips Hat*
Also, did you copy paste this from /v/?
So I just had a really interesting experience regarding SWTOR. I reinstalled it, was thinking about returning to it again with some friends, and as I booted up the game to see if it installed correctly, it actually let me play on my characters.....I haven't paid for a sub since march :lol: and I'm not paying one now.....did my account get a random lifetime sub? XD
You wish.... I think all accounts got 7 Days FREE gametime to coincide with the launch of the Free Trial.So I just had a really interesting experience regarding SWTOR. I reinstalled it, was thinking about returning to it again with some friends, and as I booted up the game to see if it installed correctly, it actually let me play on my characters.....I haven't paid for a sub since march :lol: and I'm not paying one now.....did my account get a random lifetime sub? XD
[QUOTE="wis3boi"]You wish.... I think all accounts got 7 Days FREE gametime to coincide with the launch of the Free Trial.So I just had a really interesting experience regarding SWTOR. I reinstalled it, was thinking about returning to it again with some friends, and as I booted up the game to see if it installed correctly, it actually let me play on my characters.....I haven't paid for a sub since march :lol: and I'm not paying one now.....did my account get a random lifetime sub? XD
Makes sense, and I'm happy....get to see the new updates without risking paying a sub if i didnt like it. SO far so good, game doesnt run like complete ass anymore
So I just had a really interesting experience regarding SWTOR. I reinstalled it, was thinking about returning to it again with some friends, and as I booted up the game to see if it installed correctly, it actually let me play on my characters.....I haven't paid for a sub since march :lol: and I'm not paying one now.....did my account get a random lifetime sub? XD
They have a free week for anyone that purchased the game. This is from the email they sent me "We would like to offer you the opportunity to come back and play Game Update 1.3:Alliesfor 7 days on us* until 7/17/2012, 2:00AM CDT/ 7:00AM GMT."... which was then followed by them advertising their character transfer feature. I personally enjoyed my time with SWTOR, but once I hit 50 I got kind of bored and moved on. I still feel like I got my moneys worth tho, the story (helped by the fact that I love star wars) was really engaging and made questing pretty fun (the combat did get old though because they make you backtrack across planets a lot while questing).
I wouldn't play that garbage even if it was free to play.SKaREOComments like these, would love to see you try to make an MMO and see how it turns would be a laughing product. BTW didn't you read that useless trolls aren't allowed in here?
Yeah, that's what turns me off some MMO trials....the games are so big these days...I started to get it, then realised it was a 25gig file. Stopped as I have no intention of playing over level 15.
[QUOTE="SKaREO"]I wouldn't play that garbage even if it was free to play.FelipeInsideComments like these, would love to see you try to make an MMO and see how it turns would be a laughing product. BTW didn't you read that useless trolls aren't allowed in here? I'm a computer graphics artist. I can do textures and map design. I also study the principles of game design and psychology. If I was going to design an MMO it would be similar to the persistent world of EVE Online, not the World of Casualcraft. Dynamic user controlled economy, sandbox environments, one giant world that all users connect to, etc. Pushing the limits of cloud computing would be our goal, because I know there is technological advantages to using a global networking environment. I would do a hell of a lot better than anyone working at EA. You want to know the reason why? Because I've been playing video games for 40+ hours a week for 20 years straight. I have probably played video games more than some people work in their lifetime. I know from experience what makes a good game that will be fun to play for years and years. edit: typo
I was really looking forward to trying this with a friend, but after 3 hours of the game not starting, errors, hanging on the first loading screen and then not being able too join our region servers we both gave up. And too make things worse we couldn't find anything similar too our issues on the forums nor were we able too post with trial accounts to ask for some help. Iv still got the game installed in the hope I may get it working, but as for my friend, they were already pretty cautiousof the game and uninstalled it.
I tryed it again with my level 50 Marauder but the game still feels bland, also transfered my character to a busy server and the fleet area still stutters like mad so I am guessing they never really fixed game peformance like PVP warzones. It feels like they have added a ton of stuff which is great but failed to fix some of the huge problems that people were compalining about like the really bad fps drops in PVP and Fleet.
There is also waaayyyyy to many spells, I mean I have a Razer Naga and bind every ability pretty much in WoW but in SWTOR there are just far to many similar spells.
I tryed it again with my level 50 Marauder but the game still feels bland, also transfered my character to a busy server and the fleet area still stutters like mad so I am guessing they never really fixed game peformance like PVP warzones. It feels like they have added a ton of stuff which is great but failed to fix some of the huge problems that people were compalining about like the really bad fps drops in PVP and Fleet.
There is also waaayyyyy to many spells, I mean I have a Razer Naga and bind every ability pretty much in WoW but in SWTOR there are just far to many similar spells.
My new server had 400 people in the fleet and i was getting 60fps, smooth as silk
[QUOTE="FelipeInside"][QUOTE="SKaREO"]I wouldn't play that garbage even if it was free to play.SKaREOComments like these, would love to see you try to make an MMO and see how it turns would be a laughing product. BTW didn't you read that useless trolls aren't allowed in here? I'm a computer graphics artist. I can do textures and map design. I also study the principles of game design and psychology. If I was going to design an MMO it would be similar to the persistent world of EVE Online, not the World of Casualcraft. Dynamic user controlled economy, sandbox environments, one giant world that all users connect to, etc. Pushing the limits of cloud computing would be our goal, because I know there is technological advantages to using a global networking environment. I would do a hell of a lot better than anyone working at EA. You want to know the reason why? Because I've been playing video games for 40+ hours a week for 20 years straight. I have probably played video games more than some people work in their lifetime. I know from experience what makes a good game that will be fun to play for years and years. edit: typo Yeah sure, ur MMO would be the greatest ever. Since it will be a sandbox, right there you're limiting yourself to sandbox players. Second, you think the developers never played a game? You think it's easy just to come up with an idea and then create it. Come down from heaven and land on Earth when you can.
I tryed it again with my level 50 Marauder but the game still feels bland, also transfered my character to a busy server and the fleet area still stutters like mad so I am guessing they never really fixed game peformance like PVP warzones. It feels like they have added a ton of stuff which is great but failed to fix some of the huge problems that people were compalining about like the really bad fps drops in PVP and Fleet.
There is also waaayyyyy to many spells, I mean I have a Razer Naga and bind every ability pretty much in WoW but in SWTOR there are just far to many similar spells.
My new server had 400 people in the fleet and i was getting 60fps, smooth as silk
Yeah weird. Last time I played it I was really happy cause the lag in the fleet was something that really pissed me off, but they fixed it.the only reason i gave up on it was the fact that i had to subscribe to get my 30 days free which i felt was a big rip off...ok you are gonna say all mmo's are like that but i remember a time when you bought wow and you did get your free 30 days and then if you wanted to continue you had to pay. To me that gimmick left a real sour taste in my mouth. now i am going back and will try all the classes , more of a sight seeing thing for me at thsi point.
its gonna go F2P but its gonna restrict a lot of things like lord of the rings online, pirate of the burning sea or conan. I can see it happening. and i am pretty sure that the subs would go up if it was f2P...all the haters would not hate so much after all. i can guarantee you that.!
[QUOTE="FelipeInside"][QUOTE="SKaREO"]I wouldn't play that garbage even if it was free to play.SKaREOComments like these, would love to see you try to make an MMO and see how it turns would be a laughing product. BTW didn't you read that useless trolls aren't allowed in here? I'm a computer graphics artist. I can do textures and map design. I also study the principles of game design and psychology. If I was going to design an MMO it would be similar to the persistent world of EVE Online, not the World of Casualcraft. Dynamic user controlled economy, sandbox environments, one giant world that all users connect to, etc. Pushing the limits of cloud computing would be our goal, because I know there is technological advantages to using a global networking environment. I would do a hell of a lot better than anyone working at EA. You want to know the reason why? Because I've been playing video games for 40+ hours a week for 20 years straight. I have probably played video games more than some people work in their lifetime. I know from experience what makes a good game that will be fun to play for years and years. edit: typo I work painting cars and can install body kits. I've also driven cars for 20 years. I know I could engineer a car better than anyone at any of the big auto manufacturers. I know from experience what makes a good car and I can make one better than anyone one else.
I tryed it again with my level 50 Marauder but the game still feels bland, also transfered my character to a busy server and the fleet area still stutters like mad so I am guessing they never really fixed game peformance like PVP warzones. It feels like they have added a ton of stuff which is great but failed to fix some of the huge problems that people were compalining about like the really bad fps drops in PVP and Fleet.
There is also waaayyyyy to many spells, I mean I have a Razer Naga and bind every ability pretty much in WoW but in SWTOR there are just far to many similar spells.
My new server had 400 people in the fleet and i was getting 60fps, smooth as silk
Weird, I played before the transfer and it was fine on the fleet and I was really suprised, then transfered to a server with more people and it was a bit choppy on the fleet. That was with max settings and V Sync on a Quad Core and GTX580.Please Log In to post.
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