First post here. Very cool website.
Games I like: Return To Castle Wolfenstein - 10/10. for *me*
Why? It's Very light on resources (700MB!). Decent graphics. Cool plot & missions. Awesome multiplayer action. good sound. Others I like GTA III, GTA VC and Max Payne 2. - they do use up resources buit it is worth it!
I grew up on Doom & Doom 2. Recently got Doom 3. And well... The sound is awesome. You can tell they spent a lot of time making this game. What I can't stand is how the enemies cannot be seen apart from their eyes - that is such a pain in the @$$. The gameplay is a bit crap too, in that i am often left wandering around thinking what to do...
1. Can you please recommend me games based on the info I have given here?
what is very important for me is that the controls are v. similar to the above games. For example, GTA VC, max payne 2 and doom 3 all almost share the exact same keyboard setup (and very little mouse use except for 3D viewing and shooting)
I recently installed Redneck Rampage. I played it many years ago and thought it would be fun playing it again. Wrong! I can't get it to work. But that's not a problem. I really want to get it off my system. Problem is it's installed on c:/intrplay/rednec. There is no uninstall file and no entry for the game in add/remove programs and no entry for the game in the c:/programfiles/installshield installation information folder.
2. How can I get it off my system? PLEASE.
Thank you ever so much.
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