[QUOTE="WizardGlass"]for gameplay TERA > GW2 for combat TERA > GW2 (by a lot) for questing GW2 > TERA for graphics TERA > GW2 (by a lot) for community its dead even IMO for future potential TERA > GW2 IMO after seeing what is coming down the pipe for K-TERA for PVP TERA > GW2 (considering pvp in GW2 atm is horribly unbalanced) overall, i have had a much better experience with TERA that i did in any of the beta phases with GW2. I hope GW2 improves a lot between now and release though, i would like to play it considering how much i liked the original.ArchoNils2
While I agree on battle system, I think the overall gameplay is better on GW2. It's really annoying that the mouse controlls the camera and it's even more annoying to press Alt if you want to check out stuff on screen. It might work fantastic in combat, but it works horrible for everything else
To put in graphics is just stupid, Tera released while GW2 is in a unoptimized Beta that's running on the CPU mainly, just wait for the release version, shall we? GW2 looks fantastic for an unoptimized beta :/ Also I think it depends on the graphics style you like more: If you like pink and purble, you'll love Tera
Dunno which community you call dead, whenever I log in to Tera most in the chat is from china farmers :/ Gw2 has yet to release to see how the community works out
lol @ pvp, Gw2 wins with WvW alone
future potential? Gw2 because it'll sell much, much better. More money = more new stuff
So, instanced WvW>OW guild v guild? Apparently, people think that fighting strangers with other strangers is better than guild hatred and community politics and metagaming. What have MMOs come to....
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