Ok so I picked the game up from best Buy, and had to downlaod all the updates (7gb)
Honestly the agme blew me away. Its so much fun. im primarlily a console player but I can see myself playing this game for a long time.
I put on my headset and since in a NEWb i sucked so i asked for tips and help. The peopel on that game are so friendly and helpful. Everyone just said congrats on joinign the party its a gerat game and proceeded to answer all my questions. I've evr had this ecperience with any console, game. when I play opn Xbox live I never use a headset if im not playing with friends because people are either annoying or just rude.
Is it just that PC agmers are less douchebags. This honetsly makes me wwant to play the game again. I'm so addicted right now.
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