bc2 is an amazing game, and well balanced multiplayer.
the only problem is bc2 has no shuffles after matches. and the only autobalance is for team sizes. and the admins are not the same as bf2, its all new guys who don't care. and just want to to keep squads of friends.
so almost every single server in bc2 is stacked. if you join conquest mode, that means all 3 or 4 capture points are all by one team, while they are pwning the base. and it will stay like this for hours since there is no shuffle after matches or any autobalance based on scores.
SO....the motto in bc2 has now become, switch teams or servers after a match. until you are on the stacked team as well. which is pretty lame.
a couple admins have tried a community modded autobalance like many had in bf2. but the little 10 yr old bots wouldn't stop complaining about it, and it was kind of shabby anyways.
so no autobalance based on scores... and no shuffle after matches, are things i hope they implement as an option in bf3. or I won't bother buying it. BC2 is an amazing game though very well though out as far as gameplay balance. between weapons and classes and vehicles etc....which ea dice always improves upon with each release in this regard, and it really shows.
there is no cheeziness to exploit in the game like cod. none at all. its a super balanced MP. its just that you can't leave it up to the players to balance teams anymore. the community is def not the same as bf2. and I hope EA dice addresses the team stacking issue in bf3.
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