My current Gateway POS (Piece Of &*@$) laptop cost around 1,100 dollars. It was a good laptop for exactly 2 FREAKING WEEKS!!! After that everything went to pieces. GPU overheated to 100 C, HORRIBLE FPS, slow CPU, dead pixels, all that junk. Not surprised becuase the other day the laptop went 404 (non existant) from the main page(in only 5 months WOW) and Gateway refuses to tell me why. I was totally ripped off and their tech support (wholly Indian and illetarate) won't do a darn thing about it. Anyways, sorry to totally go on about my rage rant but my main reason is this...
What is the BEST gaming laptop company in terms of quality, reliability, and customer care? I'm hoping to sell my Gateway POS (doubt anyone will buy it though) and save up money until I can get a different one. I am just asking about what you guys would recommend for a company to buy a gaming laptop from. Thanks!
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