Dear Friends,
To me the following games are the best ones till 31st December, 2009. Share your ones too.
The game which released in 1999 never been discussed too many here & there but an awesome one for sure. This 3rd person horror game perhaps one of the best horror game ever made at least to me. The graphics was awesome for that time and gameplay too. I can still remember what said once about it: "The game of 2003 released on 1999". A game one should must play.
4. SYBERIA 1 & 2
If there is any game in the world which much should played by any gamer is Syberia. I don't know about other people but it's a dream game of mine. I have completed Syberia 1 & 2 more than 5 times and every time it's just seems to me a new one. The same thing happened to the people played Syberia whom I know. Syberia is a game which will definitely take you into a different world. The world of dreams. The story begins with Kate Walker a Lawyer who started her jouney into a village for a company (Investigations). The story of Syberia is simply excellent and the graphics is marvellous. Each & every characters role has been set so nicely. The Puzzles are really excellent and one will definitely enjoy while solving those. I never liked to play RPG adventure games before but after playing syberia it just turned my gaming world. So those who didn't play Syberia 1 and 2 yet I am requesting them to play Syberia right now. Because it is the game of life. Hope there will be more Syberia sequels in near future.
To me, so far the best GTA game is GTA 4 - Liberty City. What a game! Just a few days back I've completed GTA 4 and you know what it took me only 21 (Almost) gaming hours, 3 days to achieve. Believe it or not, I didn't use any cheat codes while playing this game till the end and also completed all the side misions too (At least I think so). One can easily guess how awesome it is through that. Every time whenI was playing as Nico Bellic I was assuming ma self him. It really dragged me all the time.
This is an amazing game. Basically I don't like playing RPG's at all. Before that I only played a few. But after hearing a lot about it I just bought the game and started playing only to give a glimpse and the result is for the last 2 days I played the game almost for 10 hours and still playing it.
It's simply a wonderful game with a wonderful story. The graphic is excellent along with it's sound effects. So many options there in the game and yet to reveal many. This is such a game which will definitely force you to keep plying until you complete it. The character's are well occupied. Each one has different abilities to do tasks. The battle with the bosses will definitely cheer you up all the time. To kill the first boss it took 7 consecutive attempts of mine. Gosh. In a word, this is simply an awesome game.
Didn't find a one so far. But to me the lengthy dialogues bores me time to time despite they are very much related and necessary to complete a task. Only 4 characters can be played at a time in the game as there is only 4 slots whether I liked to play with all of them.
Final Verdict:
Those who even don't play RPG's should definitely play this game to have a different experience and to find something so exclusive.
I know many will not agree with me, but to me This is the father of all games. It's really such a game which can easily drive you into a different world. Actually I played the European version which has been named as " Fahrenheit ". And I hope you all know very well that Indigo Prophecy is the US version of it and believe it or not there are lots of differences in between these two versions. Whatever the both versions are almost same. Fahrenheit or Indigo Prophecy is no doubt one of the best game of all time and why I just explained below:
The Story: An excellent story. Most of the game's stories of today's are almost been related or some kinda same. But Fahrenheit or Indigo Prophecy is really different. It's movie based story really make you feel better while feeling bore by playing same kinda Story based FPS or RTS or anygames. The story based on Lucas Kane an ordinary citizen (Actually not - which one will definitely find later) who just possessed by a Mysterious human (A Clan) and killed an innocent man. But when he back to normal he found himself as a murderer (Actually which he never did conciously) and tried to find behind all of these to prove his innocense. The game just start right after that. Another excelltent thing of this game is you have to play with four different characters all the time.
Graphics: It's graphics is excellent. As I already told you that it's a movie based games which means when you will play this game you will also feel that you are enjoying a movie. The best thing of this game is you don't need a higher end graphics card or PC to play this game smoothly though it's graphics is amazing.
Characters: The role of the characters related to each other and with the environment so perfctly which make the game more successful.
Controlling: One of the serious problem of today's games is controlling system. Fahrenheit is clearly out of it. It's controlling system is excellent and very easy to operate.
Sound System: It's sound system is also very good.
Now the fact is every good things has some bad things also. I didn't find so many bad things of Fahrenheit except two:
1. Some of the stages are really difficult to complete. But thats not the problem except completing one stage. "Where is Jade (The Indigo Child)" Chapter. The long time action sequence of this game is really very much enjoyable but just next what happened. When our hero Lucas dropped into a room through a window with the Indigo child and Agatha (A character) who turned into a shadowy monster (The Purple or Orange clan or Oracle -actually I forgot) after you declined to handover the child to her really difficult or I should better say impossible to complete next. Is it a bug or anything else I don't know but believe me guys I have played over thousands of games in my life but I never suffered like this one before. I completed this game by starting that chapter again and after hand over the Indigo Child to Agatha. And through all the forum I came to know that they also faced the same problem (Only with the European version-Fahrenheit). But is also has a solution, download the latest patch of it and you will face no more problem.
2. This game is not for the people under 18. Because the reason of two extreme nudity in the game, specially the last one (Only for Fahrenheit, the European version - as I already told you the differences between Indigo Prophecy & Fahrenheit) . But In my opinion they are not the problem of this game. Because it happened in the right situation & environment to perfectly fullfill the story.
At last I wanna tell you one thing if you are a gamer then you should must play Fahrenheit (Personally suggested to play the European version as Indigo Prophecy the US version is actually a sencored version.
My PC Configuration:
Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo R E7400 2.8 GHz
Mother Board : Albatron P43 Socket 775 FSB 1333
Graphics Card: Nvidia XFX 9800GTX - Phys X Cuda Engine VRAM 1 GB
Hard Disk : Samsung 500GB
Power Supply : 600 Wt of Thermal Tecs Ninja Power
Chasis : Sided Transparent Chasis of Vision
Cooling Fan : Thermal Tecs Dual Orbs for the processor
Two extra cooling fan for the chasis - one is of Thermal Tec andother is of Vision
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