Hi, last Thursday my PC started acting weird around games. At the time I was using Forceware 177.92. What happens is that after about 2 minutes of playing any game (TF2, Crysis, STALKER CS, etc...), I'll get some weird lines / artifacts all over the screen, then a 2-sec freeze, and then a black screen and my monitor saying "out of signal", requiring a hard reboot. It does that with every game, so it's sort of bad. Before I continue, here's my PC specs:
Core 2 Duo E6700 @ 2.66 ghz, 2GB DDR 2 800mhz, EvGA 8800 GTX stock, WinVista 32 bit.
I tried: reinstalling the games, reformatting the PC, using drivers 178.13 and 178.15 to the same result, even worse...(in 178.15) while I was on the desktop, I'd get red dots all over my screen, huge windows lag and then BAM! crashes. I just rolled back to 177.92 so I could use my PC a bit. I also tried dusting off the innards of my PC.
Now, I'm assuming my graphic card is problematic. My power supply is 600 something watts and has been serving my card well for the last year so i don't assume it's the problem. My 8800 gtx is 1 year and 3 months old only. So now I have a few questions:
1- Can this be fixed in any way?
2- Is there still a warranty (though I don't feel like waiting 3 months)?
3- Is 279.99$ (probably less since I work at FutureShop) a good price/worthwhile update to a GTX 260 192 cores? I know the 8800gtx fits just tight in my case, is the GTX 200 series any longer?
http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?sku_id=0665000FS10107916&logon=&langid=EN (GTX 260)
Thanks very much to anybody that can help!
Ps: The crashes sometimes happen after 5 minutes of play, sometimes right on the menu
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