Over the years the computer has seen its fair share of great games, but is the era of computer gaming coming to an end? If you are a fan of MMORG's the answer might be no, but to the average gamer who enjoys the simplier pleasures of a FPS or an adventure type game might find it hard to say no. You may have noticed lately that your local video game store no longer sells computer games or allows you to trade them in. Why is this? Is it because there has been a shortage in computer gamers? Is it because it is much easier to buy a gaming console every 5-6 years rather then upgrade your computer every 2 years? What ever the reason it seems as though gaming on the computer is a thing of the past. Take this for example: I wanted to pick up halo 2 for the pc not too long ago so I went to my local CompUSA. I figured that there would be no problem I'm running a Dell XPS M1210 with 2 gigs of Ram, and a GeForce 7400. I went to the game section of the store and picked up the game, But To my dismay I found that I needed Windows Vista to run the game. Now Windows Vista prices ranges from about $60-$300 based on which edition you buy. So for me to play halo2 on the pc I would have to spend the standard price for the game (about $49.99) plus $60 to get the standard Windows Vista Program for a grand total of about $110 to play the game. Now The average gamer isn't going to fork out the $110 to play a game that their friend is playing for the Xbox price of $29.99. Its alot more convienent to buy yourself an Xbox360 or a PS3 and not have to worry about upgrading your videocard or Buying more RAM. You can look at it from a Game Industry stand point as well. Should you make a game for the PC that requires a good graphics card and alot of RAM and hope that the consumer will upgrade their Computer for the game, or make the game for a PS3 or a Wii and not have to worry about gamers not able to play because it requires them to upgrade? It is the game industry and the consumer shying away from a complicated computer unit to a more user-friendly Game console. Now thats not saying in the future there won't be computer gaming. There will always be your Classic MMORG that will draw in tons of consumers and will make a lot of money. What it is saying is in the future there won't be your Call of Duty's or your Counter Strike's because they will be on your Future Gaming consoles. So ask yourself, is Computer Gaming taking in its final breaths, or is it just taking a break?
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