Solivigant on his Destructoid blog gives us his view on the Diablo 3 news and how it relates to another franchise of his, Fallout.
"And now we get Diablo 3. It looks the same as Diablo 1 and Diablo 2. Two orbs. Mouse clicking. Iconic ****s. It looks gorgeous as well. Using the same isometric perspective. And from what I can see, people are lapping it up. People are loving it, me included. Why? Well I guess it's reasurring to see a team that is made up of several different members of from the Diablo 2 team behind the steering wheel of the game, and how they managed to make the game be like what Diablo 3 should be like, in the hearts of fans of gamers in general.
All of this disturbes me. Why? Because I'm a fan of another franchise. One where action takes a side-step into turn-based chaos, and dialog options, and different routes, take the center stage. A game whos setting was and still is unique.
[Bethesda] decided to scrap turn-based, scrap the isometric perspective of Fallout, and are basically modding their Oblivion game with new textures, models and weapons, turning it into you know it, Oblivion with guns. And everybody is lauding them for it. No one is recognizing their lack of creativity (99% of games are first-person/real-time) and courage to bring out Fallout as a turn-based isometric RPG. Instead, most people are accepting their excuse that Fallout was originally like that due to "technological impairments at the time." (Of course that's not true, unless you've been under a rock for a decade)
It would take Blizzard to show them how to make a proper sequal."
A news article on NMA
I have to agree with all of this. I'm still eagerly awaiting Fallout 3 but I personally feel that it should have been Isometric/turn-based. It's sad to hear so many "gamers" say that Isometric is old and dated whilst at the same time praising first-person/real-time as if Akalabeth(first person/real-time) never came out in 1980. Blizzard is showing that it's still a viable alternative and is going against the mold to prove it and I have no doubt it's going to end success.
Diablo 3 looks like a new game and feels like Diablo at the same time, it's going to be great unless they make it an MMO. :P
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