So, here we are, talking about the new expansion that Bethesda is bring to us for The Elder Scrolls IV....
An article that I read, it was clearly stated that Bethesda is not going to be doing anything about the radiant AI, but they will be trying their best to make use of the AI that is currently in place.
So, what else can we hope to see from this new expansion or what else would you like to see come from it in a gameplay aspect?
I personally would like to see the level/loot scaling be removed instead; of us having to download those wonderful patches that a few people have taking a lot of time on to correct the scaling problems (cheers to those that helped fix those issues with their mods!).
Also, who here is going to be picking up this expansion when it hits the shelves?
I'm still debating on if I should get it or not. It all just depends on if I can get myself to enjoy playing Oblivion again...
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