I think you are 100% right about that. The hardware requirements for PC games raising extremely these days. Anyone who bought a PC a year ago even can't play PC games like Crysis or World in conflict at medium setup. To play such games one have to buy a new PC with extreme resources. And for that one also have to spent a hell of a money. Even if someone buy a high end PC who knows how long he/she can continue with that to play PC games. Because no doubt about that to play a PC game of a year later someone may have to upgrade again and spent a lot for that. And on the other hand a console like PS3 or XBox can atleast continue 3 or 4 years to play games on that. So I am also thinking to buy a new console (Probably PS3) very soon. As I don't want to spent any more money on PC. So according to me the judgment day is not so far for PC games.
My PC config:
Processor: Intel Quadcore - 2.4 GHz
Motherboard: Abit Fatality
Graphics Card: XFX 8800 GTS 320 MB (NVidia Chipset)
RAM: 8 GB of Transcend (800 BUS DDR 2)
Hard Disk: 400 GB of Samsung
Powersupplier: 750 W of Thermalrock
Cooling Fan: Blue Org of Thermalteck
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