Howdy everyone. Well I'll use topics to guide myself.
1) Content
I feel like after 'the burning crusade' the content in world of warcraft got boring. In my opinion we just got more of the same, over and over again. Raids aren't as fun as it used to be. Maybe that is because, I was excited when I first played World of Warcraft and 4 years after (now) I get a little bored of playing this game. Cataclysm sure as hell brought some new content, but now I don't feel excitement anymore when I play through the 'good ol' zones'. Even thought, I haven't really enjoyed cataclysm in first place, I would prefer a new continent than tearing a part Azeroth.
2) Social
Now this one has sure as hell seen better days. I have 2 characters in 2 different servers, on my horde one I barely hear anything from my guild. On tbc times, I logged on and I was instantly seeing some fun on the guild chat. And you know what? Right now, I log in, and that's it because my guildmates have evolved from friends to douchebags. And it's not only my guild problem, the same happens with the trade chat, you remember how people used to write all kinds of crap on the trade chat, well now they use it for TRADE... god sake!
3) Competitors
It sure isn't a lie, WoW is getting old, and new MMO's are rising and they are promising. I won't mention titan because I don't know a damn, besides a screenshot (so I don't even know how people say that titan is going to crush WoW if they never saw titan). But i am sure as hell mentioning TERA, Rift and StarWars: The Old Republic. From these 3, I will play only StarWars: TOR, but I won't leave wow, no matter how good these rpg's are, wow as taught me a lot, and I love it the way it is, unfortunately I've seen lots of people who don't.
Well guys, I know for a fact that World of Warcraft has seen better days, but I hope as hell it doesn't dies. I still enjoy playing the game, and look at diablo 1 its old as hell, but people still play it and blizzard still runs the servers for it (the same happens with starcraft 1, diablo 2, warcraft 3 and a hell of other games that don't belong to blizzard). And even if retail perishes, I think that the die hard players will find confort on private servers.
So guys, these are my two cents. And you, how do you think that world of warcraft will end?(if it will end)
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