Eh it was a bit disappointing, there are no scalable options other than resolution. Hopefully the released game won't be like this but with SE it is a possibility, there better not be boarders in the full game let's put it that way. There was no mouse support in the menu, that is concerning.
The game loves CPU, my dual core was around 90% constant. When recording with fraps it severely cut my frame rate so anyone looking into this game will have to make sure their CPU is decent. That said frame rate also changes significantly with changes in resolution.
Overall the optimization is ok but could be better, my average frame rate was 55 but it dipped into the 20s during the gun firing scene.
In terms of graphics it is below average for a console game, the textures are ok (well not horrible) but the motion blur tends to cover them up at times. You can get away with lowering the res quite a bit, since it is console orientated the visuals aren't that affected.
Will I get it? Still up in the air, I'd like to support a JRPG coming to PC but only if the purchase is actually worth it.
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