the most annoying thing about pc gaming? consoles
with greater and greater frequency, pc gaming is becoming the same diluted, intellectually-challenged wasteland as the console market (disclaimer: not all console games are stupid and/or shallow, some of the best games ever made are console games), as more and more games become multisystem releases or even primarily console games, then ported to pc, we have seen the standards gradually decline
now, this problem doesn't exist for anyone else - pc games ported to consoles scale up, bringing the overall console standard of gaming a little higher, or they don't get ported because there's just no audience for it... but pc gamers? no, it's a downward spiral of poopiness
i could list a large number of games where the ability of the developers is not questionable, they could've made great games - or their great games could've been greater - yet many concessions were made for the console market and pc gamers are made to suffer for it, and is there really anything more frustrating?
i can live with the high costs, i can live with going two years without a single game worth playing, i can live with knowing every game i buy is like signing a contract saying this game might randomly not work properly, or at all, until we bother to patch it but i just cannot stand games, good games - great games - being dumbed down for a completely separate audience
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