[QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"]Well this was around when MC was still fairly new. MC was rather difficult compare to present time. I also pity that you rolled a healer to only comment impersonating depression. Likewise it's only opinion. XaosII
Yeah, i've done it when it was still new and hard. I've been a WoW week 1 player. I still play and my main character is sitll my Priest.
Raids, in general, as a healer, are pretty boring. Even to this day they all follow a fairly similar pattern. Either everyone gets dealt a moderate amount of damage, or two or 3 people get dealt alot of damage. You focus mostly on those two or three, or heal everyone up from the special attack.
Occasionally, bosses have some nonseniscal little dance you have to do, thats really only distracting as a healer because for some odd reason someone always get hurts but you have to run around and cant heal the guy. Sometimes, its backwards. The guy runs around and you cant heal him.
PvP healing - now THAT's fun. Anyone and everyone can become a target and you're not continously healing the same MT over and over again. Plus, your efforts are directly reworded for the contribution you made. Holding the enemy back, even when you lose, still meant you denied the enemy points or slowed them down making your team more likely to win. In raids, wiping at 5%? Reset back to 100%. Awesome. Not one single person is responsbile for that success or failure means that invididual effort really doesnt amount to anything more than picking up slack for someone else rather than making a notable contribution to the success or failure.
And yes, it really is all opinion. You might find PvP boring, which is totally fine. Im just syaing my opinion that healing in raids is boring. You dont even spend most of the time looking at bosses when healing.
While my main isn't a healer I totally understand where you coming from and that's why I pity you. Playing as a warrior I have discovered that PvE is a very satisfying experience. Very intriguing to have that adrenaline pressure to tank a boss especially like Ragnaros at the time of early MC.I agree that the patterns for bosses are very similar but it's very acceptable for it's simplicity to progress. However the bosses do become more difficult.
As for PvP, well that's my passion. I'm just not into BC PvP compared to pre-BC when grinding for rank 14 Grand Marshal was fun and taskful. Great AV games, classic wsg matches, AB Graveyard camping, Tauren Mill raids, Southshore raids and more. Maybe later on I will get back into PvP like I use too. As of now PvE is my favor of choice.:)
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