Blizzard has added new scroll of ressurection to members and once account management comes up will be able to offer this to anyone that wishes to return to the game.
Only players that haven't played World of Warcraft for at least 90 days are eligible to receive scrolls.
One can accept only one scroll per account
The new scroll of ressurection benefits are as followed:
A character boost to to level 80
Free upgrade to Cataclysm
Seven days of free of game time
A free transfer to your friend's realm
A free faction change to your friend's faction
I play on Bleeding Hollow #1 best east coast server with Alliance to Horde ratio 1:1
there may be way I can make character on realm you would prefer or faction but more details will be given out soon.
please private message me your battlenet email, email or the character and realm that the your toon is on to recieve this scroll of ressurection.
these are very limited to first come first served! thank you
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