BF:BC2 beta! I'm a total newbie to the Battlefield world, but let me tell ya. With a clan that you can really learn from and work with, this game crushes TF2 and every other multi-player FPS game I've played,....ever. I don't think I can go back to TF2. After the majesty of the GFX and gameplay (Real ballistic calculations, Destruction 2.0, vehicular combat, customizable load out, etc...) of BF:BC2, TF2 looks really dated and plays like an old hat....Sorry Valve but DICE has my full attention now.
you really must be joking. TF2 is one of the best MP the PC has to offer.Nope, not joking at all. I love TF2 and I've invested about 220+ hours into it, but I've played BFBC2 beta for about 27 hours and the gameplay just crushes TF2 on level of variety, asymmetric tactics, environmental interaction. The only area I see where TF2 is better is in how self-explanatory the objectives are. But the higher your skill level gets the more the game tunnel visions to where the Heavy, Pyro and Engineer class become UP and thats a full third of the game-play potential.
TF2 still is more purist competitive game, for now, but with its inherent design choices, it can't offer the level of tactical variety, and environmental interaction that BFBC2 does.
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