Hi guys. The results are in. I just recieved my HD4870, 4GB of Ram Corsair, and Corsair TX750w PSU today. I installed it along with unboxing my new BenQ monitor that I had sealed away in the box for 2, almost 3 weeks. I'm happy to find out that everything runs just fine.
I booted up Crysis and I was able to play at 1920x1200 on very high, with pretty good framerate. There are moments where the framerates drop significantly but it manages to rise up rather quickly. I have say, Crysis is pretty overrated. Dont get me wrong, it's definitely a AAA game, due mainly to the graphics but it's nothing to brag to your friends. Well, maybe, just a ltitle. It's a very fun game all-around. I'm really enjoying it.
I get better smooth FPS when playing 1600x1200 resoution on very high settings. But I love 1920x1200 too much to let it go. :) Since I'm so use to playing console games on my 46" LCD HDTV 1080p, it's hard to compare Crysis on a regular LCD monitor via DVI adapter. Until I figure how to get the hdmi adapter to work, it might start looking prettier in the jungle island. ;)
I guess I'm use to the LCD HDTV HDMI hi-def of it all. I see little to no difference with the Crysis and other graphics intensive games like Gears of War, Gears of War 2, or BioShock on the Console which looks just as amazing. The great thing about the PC are the RTS games. :D I love em and it's nothing like it anywhere else.
I just wanted fellow gamespotters to know, especially the ones that took the time to help me out that I'm pretty satisifed with my new upgrade. A big thanks to everyone.
Who could imagine Crysis running on very high on my crappy PC? E2200 HP computer, non-overclockable, with those components. I guess I wont be upgrading until Nehalem comes out. Although, I might not purchase that right away.. I'll most likely wait for a price drop as most new technology progressively does anyways.
Sometimes, as a gamer, or plain human being, we tend to get caught up in the hype of things and we always want the "next big thing" out. And to think, I almost spent $2500-3000 on a new high-end PC. I only had to spend $500 more to upgrade this dual-core I have and it runs smooth. It's NOT butter-smooth like a multiple-GPU rig but it will suffice. But it's nice to know that I'll pretty much max everything out there, that's not Crysis. :D See you guys around.
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