Credit and thanks go out to... Bethesda for creating Oblivion Timeslip for creating the Oblivion Mod Manager Quarn ,Kivan, and the countless others mentioned in the readme file for the Unofficial Oblivion Patch Qarl for his awesome texture pack Mr_Siika for the Dwemer Skyship mod Texian and godhugh for the Open Cities mod Max Tael for the Natural Environments mod LprMan and halo112358 for the Enhanced Water mod CptJoker for his Real Lava mod Mikal33 for the Improved Trees and Flora mod Maboroshi Daikon and Danis13 for the facial texture mods Cleitanious, Lady Li, Hector The Hooded, and Dev_Akm for the new Arcane University Xilver for the Midas Magic Spells of Aurum mod Saiden Storm for the Akatosh Mount Dragon mod Myself for making this thread and revealing my ini tweaks blah238 for the Platinum Armor and Weapons OperatiC for the glowing Elemental Glass Armor and weapons Javier 'Axeface' Cazot for the Archmage Battle Armor Any other names that I may have forgotten, left out by mistake, or not known about And of course, Gamespot, for allowing me to share my knowledge with so many others....
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