Hey everybody, well there sure is a lot of frustration circulating the PC forums over the last few days. Crytek, not happy with their returns from PC games. Blizzard doing something weird to Starcraft 2 (a sequel in three parts?) We keep hearing about developers leaving the PC for consoles. Personally I still see games I want to buy when I pass through the store or look on steam. I even would go as far as to say that we get as many exclusive titles as any single one of the consoles. How many games are there for 360 that aren't on the PS3 or vise versa? I do feel that when I look on the console pages here on Gamespot that this is way more activity than on the PC pages. However like I said there are still games on the horizon than I will buy. With regards to console ports, I did buy Gears Of War. I tried it once on the 360 and enjoyed it, however I hated the controls (I really need a mouse for my look function) I was glad to hear it was coming to the PC so I could get a chance to play through it. But really when it comes down to it I agree with a lot of people on here who say that console games just hold no interest for them. I left console games back during the PS1 era because the games just felt like they'd been done before. Sure they were looking better than before, but it still felt the same. PC games always feel more innovative, the developers take more risks and try more. I don't just mean big budget high end games, but small little games from little developers. I really do think we get a higher quality of games than the consoles. On the occasion that I play a console at a friends place, I always find them to be shallow and lacking what interests me.
Consoles sure have gotten a lot of the lime light these last few years. I think the first reason was that the demographic has grown up and now its not the parents buying their kids games that are blocky and go beep, beep, blep. But now its adults themselves. Next the big change which stole some of the fire from PC gaming is that consoles are able to run at 1080p high-def resolution. Sure a PC can go higher but you run into some crazy costs to make that claim. With better graphics to show off these virtual worlds suddenly non-games are taking notice of what these games are about, because it takes less imagination to get in to them. Lastly, buts it's compounded from the previous reasons. Console games are seen as more social by non-games, casual gamers, and console gamers. Reason, they typically take place in the living room with a couch and a big screen for all to take part in. Where as a PC is seen as a guy in a dark corner at a desk. Sure we all know they are multiplayer over the internet and anyone who is into PC culture knows is not a solo activity, but we are fighting that image. I mean why is the Wii popular and selling well? Ok its cheap, but its seen as a social system. And not social over the internet but the real definition of the word. The PC alternative is LAN gaming and that is hardly as simple to do as wondering over and grabbing a controller.
Something to reflect on is that console popularity is a cycle. Currently the consoles are roughly two years old. They are still putting out first versions of proven franchises that everyone is getting excited about seeing. Developers are enjoying telling their stories using the new hardware and the increased audience that these systems are seeing. However give it another two years and they will be growing tired of their toys. There will already be talk on the horizon about the next generation of consoles. At that stage developers who want to push the envelope will develop for the PC again. It may turn out to be only one game and then the subsequent sequel and that sequel will probably be ported to that next generation of console, because they will be around by that time. Then we will go through the whole cycle again.
There always will be such things, these consoles. There is something simple and rewarding about just buying the game and dropping it in the drive. No fighting with drivers, no upgrades, just simple. Heck it's the principles that apple builds their computer business on. You have to take your gaming rather seriously and your hardware equally serious to be a PC gamer. Its very nature dictates that it be a enthusiasts market. However there are more PC than anything else so we also have a have huge casual gamer market. Which while us hardcore true gamers look down on them. Don't be looking too lowly because those casual games get people into video games.
So what conclusion do I have about our market, what great revelation do I have to share? Well sadly I don't have an answer of any kind. This is just where things are in the cycle. Those who are with us currently are the real enthusiasts, the real innovators and when PCs next wave comes to a crest we will be at the high point in technology and excitement with the blockbusters getting attention. In the meantime do what you can to shed the "desk in the dark corner" stigma that PC gaming has. Show someone (a non-gamer, a console gamer, a casual gamer) a game that's not the stereotype, not a shooter, not WOW, something unique and quirky. Puzzle games used to be great for that, or the early days of RTS before they got so complex. A previous favorite of mine to show to none gamers was Black & White. Sure the game has some flaws, but for a half hour little romp it was great to show to someone.
What are everyone else's thoughts? Is the Console vs PC rise and fall just a cycle? Do PC's get a bum rap as anti social? Does anyone have a great little game or two to suggest to non gamers?
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