You probably ran out of 'colour' in your hearts which act as your life source. Colour depletes when your in the void, hit 'b' to bring up the menu so you can put more colour in your hearts, if you have no colour left (found on the right hand side) then its game over.
hmm ok, when i right click on the random colored plant things, do they give me color on the left or right side? and what exactly do i do in the gardens? I know i have to color the trees, but how much do i have to puot into them, and why?Could u maybe give me a little rundown of the mechanics of the game, and just basically a simple layout of how to play the game lol. NO SPOILERS PLEASE ! :)
When you collect colour from the enviroment it goes to the right hand side. When you are in the void colour drains from your hearts and converts into Nerva which is colour on the left hand side. Colour from the left hand side is what you use to interact with the environment, such as putting colour into the trees in the garden.
You put colour (from the left hand side) into trees so that in the next cycle you will be able to harvest the trees and receive colour on the right hand side. The more colour you put in from the left hand side into a tree, the more colour you can harvest in the next cycle, trees also give out colour for about 3 cycles with depleting amounts each cycle. Its also ideal to put as much colour into each tree as possible, when you draw the donor glyph on a tree there is a dial in the bottom left hand corner that fills up, try to fill that up to full.
Colour on the right hand side is the pool you draw from to act as life, each colour when placed in your hearts give passive bonuses. Depending on which colours you have in your hearts when you are in the void will dictate what colours get converted into Nerva on the left hand side.
Colour on the left hand side is what you use to interact with the environment such as drawing glyphs and attacking monsters.
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