Try having your modifiers and actions on different devices, as in Left Shift (modifier) + Mouse 1 (action) for Strong Attack, you don't want to have both handled with the same hand, that's why ALT and WASD for dodge is a bad idea, bind Dodge to your side mouse button, and Roll to the other side mouse button. Alternatively you can Dodge while quickly double tapping WASD but IMO is slower than doing it with the side mouse button.
Bind Radial Menu to the Tilde (key to the left of 1), bind Cast Sign to TAB, bind the Signs to 1 2 3 4 5 and then use quickcasting =
If you use quickcasting you can bind Cast Sign to a useless key on the right side of the keyboard, since you won't be needing it, that way TAB is free for something more useful.
Draw Steel Sword to Z, Draw Silver Sword to X, Lock on Target to Q, Call Horse to ALT, Stop Horse to CTRL, Walk Toggle to CAPS LOCK,
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