I just got my copy of The Witcher. The game is frankly amazing. This is the first Action WRPG I have played. I don't know how it compares to the likes of Baulder's Gate, because unfortunatly, I never had the chance to play it. However, I think regardless of whether one has or hasn't played a game like this before -- this is a must buy.
The best advice I can give you is to check out the Developer Interview sessions on GameTrailers.com - it should give you some insite into this game.
Oh, btw... This is a truely Adult RPG. By adult RPG, I don't mean there is pointless nudity and swearing all over the place, but it is there, and it is in context. This is really the game that everyone over 18 should have been waiting for. I'll add more impressions tomorrow at work :P
+ Graphics are very good. Everything is highly detailed and textured.
+ Controls are amazing. The basic controls consist of hitting the Left mouse for melee, and having a timing system that allocates combos. The right mouse button is used for magic. Now, the combat has a little more to it then this, but its easy to start, hard to master -- very fluid
+ Story so far is AMAZING - not suprisingly since it is based on a hit series in Europe
+ Three story lines (according to the dev interview). From what I experianced, there are in fact decisive decisions you have to make in this game, which STRONGLY impact the story. This is probably the first game I will actually replay, since they have purposely made these key decision events obvious, so that it is easier to purposely choose a different path the next playthrough
+ The music is amazingly well done. In fact, there are many moments where the music transitions to deal with the situation, and it does it very well.
+ Adult themed / In context
+ Every conversation is voiced over. While the voice acting is top notch.
- Load times and Save times seem like they can be a little long
- Uhmm... it may cause you to skip ****s and not go to work?
Seriously, from what I have played so far... this is a 9.0 and going to be a cl@ssic
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