1.)Frostbite engine
2.)Naval Maps
3.)Customizable Characters with weapons and armor with new unlock.
4.)New game modes
- CTF, like capturing all the control points to win
- free-for-all
- something like the Titan mode called Infiltration when you must destroythe otherbase with a bomb, but to get to it you must repair well defendedbrideges or go arcoss oceans.
- Defend the Commander where the Commander must hide in a bucker and you either defend or attack.
- OBJECTIVE based games like Enemy Territory.
5.)Squad tatics that sqaud leaders can order and more COMMMANDER options and orders
6.)Some type of cover system where you can lean over and look around corners or something like that.
7.)An actual single player mode, not like COD4 or anything like that , but similiar to bf1942 like an order of battles and also 64 player support for single player.
8.)New advanced weapons and vehicles
9.)Easier to use battle recorder to record battles and built MAP EDITOR that can be used in battles.
10.)Better Play Now browser and Server Browser and less loading times
1) A new engine? I dont know. A more polished engine could the job though
2) Never played 1942, so Im not sure if this will work or not.
3) Yep, as I said. Less c l a s s e s and more weapons to choose from so that you can further customize your soldier
4) Conquest is great. CTF just doesnt fit the BF theme. Now, VIP Escort missions and objective based missions (like the assault mode in Unreal Tournament) would be a good choice.
5) "Squad tactics": this doesnt make any sense to me. I mean, right now, you cant use almost any tactics if you are not playing with your friends or clan mates. What difference would make to give a tactic order to a bunch of people you dont know and are in your squad just to have a forward spawning point?. On the other hand, giving the commander some new abilities would be awesome, like call down an airstrike that only attacks tanks and vehicles in the designated area, or setting a temporary forward spawning point.
6) Cover system: yes, I like it.
7) Single player: BF games were always about the MP side. In fact, I dont like the idea of having a single player BF game. Its like they made a random game and placed the Battlefield brand on it just so it can sell a little more (kind of like what EA made with CnC Generals)
8) It may be interesting. Something like having the RAH-66 Comanche, or the XM-8 rifle. But Im against of filling the game with expermintal/science fiction weapons.
9 and 10) ABSOLUTELY agree with you110% (except on the map editor thing...)
This post is getting really interesting (and for some reason, it doesnt allow me to put the word C L A S S)
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