Ok, when I get a new computer, I want to buy a few games. I already have BF1942 and will play that when I get a new computer, so I won't list that since I don't need to buy it. Plus, I will play Voyage Century which is free on the internet, so no need to list that either.
Here is the current plan... Games listen in order to buy.
Good..? Or should I get Battlefield 2 Deluxe Edition first, THEN start buying the Guild Wars games? Or just keep it like this since I will have BF1942 until BF2..?
So, do you think this is a good order to buy them in?
I get $5 a week, by the way. And I barely have $20 right now. So, if I get my computer in a few months, I will most likely have only enough to buy GW Prophecies or BF2 Deluxe Edition since they cost pretty much the same. I have a lot of scenarious worked out and what I would buy with certain amounts of money and stuff, but I won't post that...
EDIT: Here is the computer I will be running this on... Can I play BF2 without very much lag? I plan to mainly be a pilot and stuff. I like flying more than the gun fighting.
looks good, except get nightfall before factions, it is supposed to be better. it did get slightly lower scores just becaue they said it was more of the same. also even though I'm not a real big warcraft 3 fan, it supposed to be good and it is old enough that you could probly get it with the expansion in a set for about 20 bucks, much cheaper than the others you have listed there. also, a game such as ut2004 is quite good (read the reviews) and you should be able to get that for 15 or 20 dollars.
Cool. I will probably do this... ○Guild Wars Prophecies ○Warcraft 3 + expansion ○Battlefield 2 Deluxe Edition ○Guild Wars Factions ○Guild Wars Nightfall I want Factions before Nightfall because I want to get the large scale PvP stuff. But I want Prophecies first because people say the story is better and it eases you into the game. I really want Battlefield 2, but I already have BF1942 so that should tide me over until then... And I have played the WC3 demo, and it was amazingly fun. I remembered how much a love it. Plus, in WC3, isn't there a Tower Defense game? Because I was playing a game called Flash Elemental TD, and it said it was based on the WC3 Tower Defense game.
Yep. There are many TD games in Warcraft III. I think that there are three that are made by blizzard (Blizzard TD, Azure TD (or something like that) and one in the human campaign in the expansion).
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