About 8 months ago I quit WoW after a few years of playing. Maxed my guy out, did the PVP thing for a while...then finally just decided to quit. After WoW I swore up and down I'd never play an MMO again. They all just felt the same...click a bunch of the same buttons over and over again...rinse and repeat for 70 levels. At level 30, it got old...but by level 50 it became mind-numbing. THAT'S why I left.
But then I discovered Tabala Rasa. And thus,after that little history lesson...I start my review.
Graphically, this game is great. Not incredible, but it still looks great and builds a lot of atmosphere. However, I feel a bit more optimizing needs to be done to the engine (I'm sure this will happen in the next few patches)...for a game that isn't as massively graphics intensive as some...it really should be less of a system hog. But it's a minor complaint that is likely already being looked into.
The gameplay is where it's at for this game...and it's the reason I'm getting back into MMO's. Unlike in all the other mmo's I've played in the past...this isn't a grindy, clicky fest. The action is much faster, much more hands on and diverse. Imagine fighting a group of Thrax with your laser-based rifle and then a lightbender shows up...they are immune to energy weapons, so you'll need to either kill off the thrax fast, or pull out your bullet-based rifle to take out the lightbender and thrax both. Keep in mind all enemies and players have armor/shield...so you can spend extra time trying to take down that shield with your normal weapons or wipe it out fast with a few quick EMP shots from one of your other rifles so you can damage their health.
(btw if you encounter androids during a firefight and kill one...loot it's control trip RIGHT away...even if it's in the middle of combat...they get back up and are almost fully charged when they do otherwise)
There are also literally hundreds of different logos to find through out the game world, which in finding also gives you great XP. Logos are sort of like magic or runes you collect that unlock abilities, crafting options, etc.. Basically each logos provides a different purpose, some defensive, some offensive and some non-combat related. (I haven't done any crafting yet, so can't comment on it) There are many great items/abilities you can't use until you find the correct required logos.
One more thing I REALLY liked about TR. The skill trees. There are a lot of different directions you can take...lots of different trees and all of them seem very balanced and interesting. Sniper, spy, demo, engineer, medic, you name it...it's all fun. The big upside is that you can make a 2nd character without having to level them from scratch. There is an option called cloning that you can do at any point. The clone will be the same level and have all the same skills of your main character at the point you cloned him. So you can do multiple skill trees without having to start from scratch each time.
On a side note...the community is a lot of fun and typically very friendly. I was invited to two clans already! But I'll see what one you join first.
Tabula Rasa has rekindled my faith in MMO's...just when I thought they were all going down the same mind-numbing, simplistic route and cloning each other...this game comes along and changes all that for me.
(side note: PVP is limited right now. But is currently being worked on...the Devs know what they are doing and I'm sure we'll see it soon. Though I'm not much for pvp. Also, if you're hardcore, you may want to wait 4 months until more high level content can be created...but for casuals like me...by the time we get to higher levels, there will be plenty to do)
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