[QUOTE="ElectricNZ"]I am not damning them I used the word "can" instead of "are", what I meant to say was, such posters have a possibility to contribute less. I'm not judging them.
I openly admit I've pirated a lot, I'm definately not innocent there, but I always buy games that I really like.
sorry - didn't read it carefully. but i bet you wouldn't be so offended by the moral high road posters if you didn't pirate games.
I'm not really sure if I would be or not. I've always had compassion towards people considered to be "scrum" of society, you know the type; serial killers, rapists, terrorists.
I'm not crazy, my study into psychology has taught me a very important thing. You know the age old psycology/philosphy question of "Nature vs. Nurture"? You know, whether your genetic makeup or your surroundings, education, friends make you who you are?
It doesn't matter whether one has more influence than the other in this case, as we can not choose either. We cannot choose who gave birth to us, we cannot choose where we grow up. Basically, nobody in this world has a choice in how they were brought up, people argue that "but once they are old enough, they should be able to make good decisions and have a conscience", well do we all really get that chance? Once a person is born, they have no choices to make, they are already made. Even as they progress through school an adulthood, they may appear to have "free will" and make decisions, but each and every one of these decisions are determined by their previous experience in life which they had no choice of.
Basically, the judge sentencing the criminal a life sentence because of the murder he committed, even though the judge considers a man a "monster", yes the very same judge would do the same act if he was put in the same life, and situation.
I am so sick of lucky people, middle-classed, recieving good education (but not quite good enough), making the the "right" decisions in life, and looking down upon others because they commit crimes.
And... I am taking this too far so I will stop.
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