2142 sucks.. I was god at that game and I still quit that game. Im tired of the fing bugs, I tried playing again on titan mode and omg. You stick to the floor, u still lag on the titans like no tomorrow. Im very disappointed they lock ur cd key with ur account name. This is retarded, I was a 3 star general so I quit when I lost key (which I think it was stolen). Im thinking on making my own development team soon. I feel EA ruins games for everyone, look at bf2! amazing game, I love it to death but I get more angry playing that than having fun. The new modes in 2 are just horrible now, u have noobs that leave MORES on the main walkways and just spam nades.
The only thing wrong with bf2 when it came out was it crashed and the ranking was BS! You had to have 50k to be a corpal lol just plain wow. Then they started to screw with the gameplay like the dolphin was sweet! I love the fact when I was medic running across enemy fire and jump to prone and shock my guy to life and pop back up and run to the next hurt player. So dolphin dive is gone but lol i have a Nostromo which makes my guns shoot faster and can make me dolphin dive again. Another, BTW im a real soldier.... How do u just take the ability of throwing c4 away? Like I said ive done this in trainning, wtf? I mean you're taking the core away from the game man. I think I talked about the mines and the claymores, wtf is this about EA? Strike on karkland was just plain ole fun man.
For the nubs that never ever played bf2 till the 1.3 patch the game was amazingly fun, it still is but it was a different world of a gameplay style. Strike was an amazing map man, it was the coolest map to actually have fire battles and actually go in the main spawn and just duke it out. You cant do this anymore :-(.. they made it where nubs abuse the claymores so they leave them in the main walk ways of fences so ppl are scared to go in. So bf2 turned into a nade spamming game, thank god im an elite sniper so I just pick them off with my rifle. I just wish a company will give us options for the type of gameplay we want with ranked servers!
I personally feel Dice was retarded to sell all their shares to EA, Ea sports and EA games are evil as heck in the gaming world. The sad thing you gamers think they care for u and they really dont, I know most companies want money but ubi soft,ID software even valve care for the quality. Crap, look at crytek they know they can make probably billions off of 1 game by making it for the ps3,xbox360, and the pc but they choose to make an ultimate title... I can list games EA rushed and never cared to fix.
Battlefield2.. they just left it after 2142
Battlefield2142... always crashed, the titan modes lags still, so many exploits in glitches.
Madden 06... admitted they didnt care to make it good for the next gen,couldnt create a player
Madden 07.. lol just like EA still buggy and crashes, the game even lagged in the fing menu
Ncaa 07... Only 30 stadiums? No race for the heisman? wtf?
Superman.. supposely this game was buggy to he ll
Command and Conquer 3.. for a month it was hard for ppl to login, and stay logged in. This is sad it was a pain just to get the patches to actually download from the stupid servers.
Battlefield bad company - if they go just consoles, im gonna freak out.. the series was made for the pc.
Medal of Honor series - decent but call of duty killed it. Also, did u know the IW-cod creators- were ex EA workers that were fired? shows EA they killed them in the WW2 genre.
no, im not a hater.. I just want a powerful gaming company to care for the quality of the products they release!
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