I never understood these arguments and complaints. The PC isn't neglected, it's not dying, it's not going the way of the dodo bird, if anything it's stronger today then it has been in the past ten years, and it's because the video game industry as a whole has recently burst out of it's shell and gone completly mainstream. More money, more devs, more competition,and more game as we have seen over the years.
Consoles are always going to be the top dog though, they are more accesiable to the general public, much more cost effective to the common gamer, eaiser to setup, maintain and use, and eaiser to play. Yes, almost everyone has a PC at home, but a vast majoirty of them are PC illiterate. They know how to conntect to the internet and surf the web, use a few programs, and thats about it.
As for all these game site, this new "award show" on Spike I guess, and everything else that is there to make cash, will do what it needs to do to make cash. Like someone above me has said, it isn't really the ratings they are looking for, it's the cash payouts they get for showcasing these companies platforms and games. There is no owner to the PC, no company controls is completly, can make an argument for Dell I guess but why bother. No one is showering these people with cash to get the PC some solo air time, so why would they. And for the developers, showcase your products to the mass market, more then likely they have a PC version around sure but as I said mass market. That's not the PC, thats the 360 and PS3, thats the Wii and PSP. Shows and review sites are kept alive for the almighty dollar so they're going to consume as much as they can.
For exclusives, they really don't exsist anymore in gaming. There are actually far more PC exclusives then there are console exclusives in this day and age. It's bad business sense really and with the exception of a few genres which CAN'T be done on certain platforms without over complicating things I don't undersatnd why it's done at all, why restrict yourself to one market when you can expand to three, four, five different, strong markets. Now I don't condone cheap, shoddy ports weather its from a console to the PC or vise versa. But in reality we can just as many games as the consoles and alot of times even more.
And now for the quality of games. I've been a gamer for a while now, but am I the only one who really remembers all the crappy and poorly built games that came out back in the day, sure there were some real gems back then but for every gem that came out we had about fifty rocks. For every Baulders gate you got about a dozen Superman 64s. As the games themselves becoming less unqiue and ingenieus, I don't think so. I think the creative well really is starting to dry up, not because developers and writers are getting lazy but because of money, technology, money, money, and risk. We can do some much more with games now then we could ten years ago but fiscally we can really only do so little. And even then in the last few years we have had a great amount of truly unique games come out. The STALKER series, Mount and Blade, WoW, Sins of a Solar Empire, SPORE and these are just the ones that jump at me right away.
Could go one forever, but I'm tired of typing and you're tired of reading. Honestly I don't think the status of PC gaming has changed at all in the past 10-15 years, if anything it's gotten bigger and stronger then it was back then. It's the consoles which have changed largely. They have just spiked up through the roof in recent years and in terms of business and profit have blown past the PC. But at the end of the day, I still believe PC is king. We were the first major player and I think we will die last. Look at WoW, 11.5 million subscribers. Look at The Sims the best selling video game franchise ever. Look at the CoD series, a game put on all platforms for doing it's best on the PC. Millions and millions of people purchase and play just these three titles. So tell me, why are we dying again? Exactly how are we being neglected. If developers truly believed we were a niche market, if publishers really felt selling PC games didn't bring enough return. Then why are we all still here?
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