I just read the Gamespot review of Dragon Age and it got me to thinking: It seems that (with some exceptions) the usual story of almost all sci-fi / fantasy based games follow the Lord of the Rings plot / formula.. you know this well... unlikely band of heros unite to fight against a "dark force" of some kind that is slowly gaining power.Granted it is a nice way to tell a story and gives a sense of urgency to the proceedings... but still I can't help but think that there should be some other way of framing a game. Off the top of my head (and being a long-time fan of the game) the back story of Battletech comes to mind. In that universe there is no "evil" force. just like in the real world, just a bunch of political groups fighting for control of the known universe. There is no "ultimate bad guy" in the classic sense (like the Emperor in Star Wars or Sauron in LOTR)
I haven't been playing a lot lately and would like to know is there any games out there that does not feature a "Dark vs. Light" kind of story? I usually play RTS, action and RPGs. and it seems that RPGs are the ones usually having that Good vs Evil thing going on. Is there an RPG that does not have that kind of story?
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