Heres a short backstory. I bought transformers and finished the first four or 5 chapters. I loved it, i dunno why, maybe its cause i love THE transformer's franchise or maybe cause there werent any similar action games in that specific release date time frame, or even maybe cause it ran flawless on my not so great system. Great, i loved it. After the first 5 chapters i bought a tv and put it in my room, and if you're gonna have a tv in your room(which isnt on your desk) you're probably gonna need a gamepad. So i bought a gamepad with it, and i forced myself to learn how to play using this gamepad. I died,, alot, didnt enjoy the game as much, and halfway through the chapter, i caved and went back to the mouse and keyboard, and boy was it fun again.
I'm playing mafia now. Loving it so far. But in order for me to be able to play on my bed, i need to use my gamepad. I tried it and well, its really hard. I miss out on alot of things. When im walking through the guy's house i feel so clumsy, everything feels forced and awkward, not really exploring as i would on a mouse. I died 10 times during the first gunfight, THE FIRST. And that is something that i wouldve been able to do with my feet on the mouse.
So whats my problem? I need some words of wisdom from people who have treaded this path before. Is this something i will eventually master. Will i eventually become as smooth(or somewhat close to) what i am on the mouse. Or is this what playing on a gamepad really looks like. I dunno. Something.
PS: Games without aiming felt great on the gamepad(POP).
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