I can compare to those FPS games I played Max Payne (my first PC game thats why I love it and believe its the best I played), Serious Sam (finished it, it was fun), Max Payne II (good game though uninstalled half-way through due to crashes or my poor PC - dunno), Chronicles of Riddick (uninstalled after a couple hours, never finished), F.E.A.R. (uninstalled after half-hour), Prey (never finished, will make sure I'll never buy a game resembling this).
I am now 3/4 through in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I'm savoring it, playing bit by bit 'cause I know I won't be getting any PC game this year, too much disappointment in games. Graphics amazed me. Buildings are photographic, weather effects never seen before, some (not all) facials seem outdated but that does not bother me since most of the people wear radiation masks, bandits are in the hoods (seems like they always fall face away - lol ). Graphics no worse than Oblivion (btw didn't like the game, just not my type), are you sure you got real pictures of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? Oblivion probably has better impression graphics because its summer time there, its brighter and all. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R. its autumn with clouds and rains and soft colors, unmatched atmosphere, blend of humor and horror, so many things never seen before in a game. Due to open spaces, the best AI you can find in FPS, though don't think its too hard to play (I play 2/4 hardness).
I heard the following complains about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - respawning - never had problems with that, just make a run, don't be silly, they say respawning was addressed in the patch. There is second patch coming up in a few days (spoke with the company), your savegames won't be deleted if you have patch #1.
The games I liked: GTA III SA (it has outdated graphics, but I loved it), Just Cause (still good graphics), CnC, Cossacks, CivIII, Heroes III.
Guess action+racing will be my choice in the future ;)
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