10 of my all time favorites:
1. Ultima IV: The Black Gate - If you are going to emulate an older RPG this is it.
2. Deus Ex : genres are for the lazy. Don't limit yourself and this is where you might end up.
3. Thief : Ever watch a movie and find yourself so drawn in that you are holding your breath for fear the hero might get caught? This is the game to play for that kind of thing.
4. Planescape: Torment : I wish more RPGs were like this one. A story driven game where there was no kingdom/princess/world/galaxy to save.
5. Dark Forces II : Jedi Knight : This is how multiple endings should be done. Jedi/Sith depended on your choices through the ENTIRE game and not a cheap flip of the coin like Jedi Academy.
6. Civilzation : For the longest time there was no such thing as another game in my mind. IV is a worthy successor.
7. Gabriel Knight : Sins of the Father : Games like this show the true potential of classic adenture games. Its adventure games like this that will spawn the first truely good video game based movie.
8. Hitman : Anadventure game with a gun. Stealth, action, strategy, planning ... its all here.
9.Guild Wars : If I were tohavekept a running tab of all the time I've spent here the clock would have worn out. A complete departure from the standard MMO build.
10. Half-Life expansions Blue Shift and Opposing Forces: This is more of a wishful thinking than a favorite game.Most games set the stage for many side stories. BS and OF showed this as viable alternative to the more of the same formula and as away to extend the life span of a game. I want more of this from someone otherthan valve.
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