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#1: Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
#2: WarCraft III: ROC & TFT
#3: Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour
#4: Age of Empires III & WC/TAD
#5: Battle for Middle-Earth II & ROTWK
#6: Battle for Middle-Earth I
#7: Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge
#8: Command and Conquer Generals
#9: Star Wars: Empire at War
#10: Emperor: Battle for Dune
I am going to include all expansions as a given, so I won't mention them.
1. Dawn of War
2. Shogun: Total War (admittedly a tbs/rts hybrid, but I class it as rts for convenience)
3. Company of Heroes
4. Medieval II: Total War
5. Medieval: Total War
6. Homeworld
7. StarCraft
8. Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2
9. Age of Empires II
10. Z: Steel Soldiers
In no particular order:
Warhammer 40K
Command and Conquer
Rise of Nations
Company of Heroes
Age of Empires 2
Age of Mythology
Starwars: Empire at War
LotR: BfMe
1) Starcraft
2) Warcraft 3: ROC
3) Warcraft 3: TFT
4) Settlers 2
5) Settlers 1
And thats it, there are a few games out there that have managed to be almost as nice, but they all have basic flaws in them (unit control, buged resource control, too simplistic etc) RTS games today are starting to resemble more and more point and click adventure games in real time, replacing the "strategy" bit completly.
6) Starcraft 2 (from next year hopefuly)
Only two mentions of Homeworld, what is the world coming to :(Makari
ya i know.
and no mentions of World in Conflict. I didnt like the game so much, but I thought everyone else thought it was the second coming of christ.
My Top 10(including all the Expansions)
1.CnC Red Alert 2
2.Rome Total War
3.Medieval 2 Total War
4.Age of Empires
5.Age of Empires 2
6.Warcraft 3
7.World in Conflict
8.CnC Tiberian Sun
9.Universe at War
10.Command & Conquer
And im really looking forward to Starcraft2 !
1. Company of Heroes
2. StarCraft
3. Homeworld
4. Red Alert 2
5. Warcraft 3
6. General Zero Hour
7. Dawn of War
8. Command and Conquer 1
9. Medieval 2 Total War
10. World in Conflict.
In no order
1. Company of Heroes
2. Warhammer 40K
3. Total Annilation
4. Warcraft I
5. Command and Conquer
6. Age of Empires II
7. LOTR Battle for Middle Earth.
8. Rise of Nations
9. Warcraft II
10. Homeworld
A couple of Notes
1. The TOTAL War series is STRATEGY game, but not a Real Time Strategy game. Its a fantastic series however, better than most of the games I have listed here, but I dont think it qualifies as a RTS.
2. To this day I still dont understand the fuss about Starcraft. Its was good, but not extoridinary. I view it as highly overrated.
3. Same goes for CnC series. I remember when the original came out, The gameplay really hasn't changed since the original. Weaken the enemy with Tank rushes, then use the WMD. Fun with the original, now Boring.
1. Warcraft II ( the best Real Time Strategy ever)
2. Rise of Nations
3. Age of Empires II
4. Warcraft III
5. Command & Conquer Red Alert II
6. Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth (great multyplayer game)
7. Brood War : Starcraft (great multyplayer game)
8. Homeworld II
9. Cossacks Art of War
10. Stronghold + Stronghold Crusader (great multiplayer game)
Notes : - Medival Total War, Rome Total War, Medieval II Total War ...all are RTS ;) remember!!!
- New RTS games have boring Single player missions, too much high quality graphics and no good game :((
Sorry, my english is broken :D
i like all of 'em all. just adding Knights of Honor with the certain order, and include expansions
-Dawn of War
-Warcraft 3
-Battle for Middle Earth 2
-Age of Empires 2
the only other rts I played was rise of nations, and it sucked.
This is one old thread.
Also, in no particular order:
-Red Alert
-Empire at War
-Dawn of War
-Company of Heroes
-The Movies
-Dungeon Keeper 1+2
-Command & Conquer 3
-Battle for Middle Earth 1+ 2
-Age of Empires 1 + 2 (not 3)
1. Rome-Total War
2. Age Of Empires 2-The Conquerors
3. Command & Conquer Generals-Zero Hour
4. The Battle For Middle Earth
5. Age Of Mythology-The Titans
6. Star Wars:Empire At War-Forces Of Corruption
7. Rise Of Nations-Thrones and Patriots
8. Sins Of A Solar Empire
9. Medieval 2+Expansion-both are as good as each other
10. Theocracy
In no paricular order
Total annihilation
Age of empires 2
Command and conquer red alert 2
Sins of solar empires
Warcraft 3
Rise of nations
Command and conquer ( the 1st one )
Supreme commander
Homeworld 1 and 2 ( btw does anyone knows where i can buy homeworld? i looked at G.o.g. but is not listed there)
Trouble listing only 10. Lots of great strategy games and i have yet to play any of the total war games or dawn of war
1) Starcraft
2) Rise of Nations
3) Rome: Total War
4) Company of Heroes
5) Dawn of War
6) Stronghold: Crusader
7) Warcraft 3
8- Red Alert 2
9) Empire: Total war
10) Sins of a Solar Empire
I realize this thread is old, but I didn't realize it until after I made my list. So I'm posting it. :P
1. Men of War
2. Dawn of War series
3. C&C: Red Alert 3
4. World in Conflict
5. Company of Heroes
6. Warcraft 3
1: star craft
2: Dawn of war
3: Company of hero's
4: Dawn of war II
5: Warcraft III
6: warcraft II
7: Warcraft
8: Empire: Total war
9: C&C Tiberium sun
10: C&C red alert 2
1. starcraft : broodwars , and orignal
2. warcraft tft , and roc and all dota maps :)
3. warlord battlecry 1,2,3 and three kingdom 2 : clash of dynasty
4. command and conquer : tiberium wars / c&c : gernals and zero hours
5. age of mythlogy and it's expansion
6. age of empire , rise of nation and lord of the ring : war of the ring .
7 heroes of annilated empire
8. warhammer 4k whole series .
9. lotr : battle for middle earth 1,2
10. armies of exigo and settlers : heritage of king
Why is C&C3 number 1 :S and you have no starcraft? Your list=fail !!!!!#1: Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
#2: WarCraft III: ROC & TFT
#3: Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour
#4: Age of Empires III & WC/TAD
#5: Battle for Middle-Earth II & ROTWK
#6: Battle for Middle-Earth I
#7: Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge
#8: Command and Conquer Generals
#9: Star Wars: Empire at War
#10: Emperor: Battle for Dune
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