Rather than trying to turn down certain sounds you just need really good directional sound so when you hear those footsteps, you know where they're coming from. I recommend a 7.1 set such as the turtle beaches x41s
The problem is that Ninja Pro in this game is supposedly completely silent. You can hear if they walk over debris, or other elements in the environment that make sound, like grass or snow. It is going to be subtle. So, you have to have the volume up on the inline control to the middle / 4th setting for S*D and be in an area with a lot of debris so you can hear the movement. I can hear ninja pro movement up to 10-15 feet away if they a sprinting. If you are playing other game modes, forget about it. Just leave it at the 3rd setting with a - little - TD on the surround channels and that should be enough to give you a good read non-ninja pro movement. For my settings, I put the volume all the way up on the decoder, with about 3 button presses on the TD. No DRC. On the inline controller I usually have at the 2nd or 3rd setting. You can lower the bass all the way to green and this will give you better directional hearing on footsteps. Basically you need to key on gunfire locations and be more alert in this game.
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