First off, I've played WoW for years. I live in Europe, and thought it might be fun to try playing on American servers for a change, even though I'll probably experience massive amounts of lag. My question is simply if it's possible?
I'm also looking to try some new MMORPGs, and was thinking about trying out Aion and Warhammer. Are these games pretty much dead, or do they still have a decent playerbase? I would also be grateful for any recommendations about other games worth trying out, whether they need to be bought or downloaded free-to-play games.
It is possible to change American to Europe and vice-versa. You have to change an .ini file (look up the instructions on google), I don't know if it's allowed by Blizzard though. You won't have any lag, I live in AUS and used to play on American Servers without an issue... then a friend came from Europe and wanted to play his characters, so we changed it to EU Realm and no lag (make sure there is nothing downloading in the background)
WAR and AION have players.... but are slowly dying. Your best bet is to stay with WOW and wait for ToR, or try LOTRO...
Actually Aion is growing significantly and will grow even more when the huge update comes september.
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