I solved it! To anyone who has the same problem, here's what i did:
1. Check your System 32 folder for any folders modified on the day you got the virus(es)
2. I'm not sure about this, but it worked for me. Near those folders should be another folder called *something*UNINSTALL*something*, with *something* being random symbols.
3. This folder should also be in your Program Files folder.
4. Inside both folders there should a file named uninstall.exe or a varient, run both files, the one in System32 should disappear and the System32 folders last modified on the day of getting the virus(es) should now read last modified on the current day/time
5. restart your computer
6. the virus(es) should no longer disrupt your connection to the internet, so you can run an uptate on malwarebytes now.
7. restart your computer, this time, go into safe mode. to do this, during your computer's restart process, press the F8 key as many times as possible, a few menues should come up. if the menu has a option reffering to safe mode, choose that. if not, you have the wrong menu, so tell it to use the default settings and get back to jamming F8.
8. once you are in safe mode, run a quick scan in Malwarebytes. it should pick up 45 viruses, give or take, this is because the fake AV programs download loads of real viruses just so that they can report them. DO NOT INTERUPT THE SCAN EARLY!
9. after the scan is through, restart your computer, this time in regular mode, and voila, the viruses should be gone.
10. you may experience problems trying to connect to the internet, if so, go into firefox tools, advanced, network, settings, and set it to "no proxy" you should connect just fine now. this may also replace steps 1-5, but steps 1-5 are how i did it.
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