Please do not spam these links all over the forum. Its nothign but a big scam just read notch blog post http://notch.tumblr.com/
Uh what are you talking about? I have a feeling you didnt even click the link. I have never posted any "spam" it seems to me that your just looking for trouble my friend.
I just posted what I just saw, I did some more research and perhaps your right this is impossible to do at the moment, but on the other hand it could be true. I need to see more proof before I can believe both sides of this story.
Dude it seems like YOU didnt read the link i posted. Its just a scam of the develpoers to get a funding for a completly useless technology (for gaming atleast). Did you notice they use the same objects over and over in many scenes? Thats because it would be impossible to store the data needed to have many individual objects at once. Even if 1 atom only takes 1 byte (like in the link explained) it would still take up way too much memorie.
Iam not looking for trouble its just that some people like you believe things way to easy if some nice guy tells him they made something revolutionary!
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