Ok, so instead of gettin a 8800GT right now, I decided to rework my system with a AM2 motherboard, proc, mem. My current specs are a 3500+, 7800GTX 256mb and 2gb of DDR 400. Im upgrading to a AMD X2 6000+ and 2gb of G Skill DDR 800 RAM, what kind of frame rate improvment should I be expecting in most games?
It won't be double (unless your video card was already heavily CPU-limited, which I doubt). Pretty much you'll be around the same FPS (probably a handful higher), except that in scenes that heavily utilise the CPU (such as physics heavy scenes) you won't experience as large an FPS drop as you experience now.
The ram will also make your framerate smoother, as the game won't hitch while it get's information from the Hard-drive, instead getting it from memory.
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