[QUOTE="Subcritical"][QUOTE="PullTheTricker"] I was wondering if it is possible to upgrade my Vista home premium from 32bit to 64bit.
I've been told by many that I made a mistake by buying 32bit. And I guess I regret my purchase.
I asked a close relative of mine to make me a copy of his Vista home premium 64bit sample.
Is the registration cd key code from my purchased version, bound to the specific bit rating? Or can I just change this?
Thanks in advance.
You are probably going to have to bite the bullet and buy 64bit. Get the OEM version from Newegg. It is $99.00.
But before you do that, contact Microsoft and see if their is an upgrade you can purchase. Here is a link: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-vista/get/anytime-upgrade-overview.aspx
I live in the netherlands. Newsegg is probably US service only, might be wrong though.
Besides, I refuse to pay again just to upgrade for something that I should have gotten in the first place.
I tried this here: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/1033/ordermedia/default.mspx
But it says no offer found.
If there is no possible way of upgrading, then I will stick with XP I guess. My useless vista home premium 32bit edition will just keep in the dust. Damn M$ and their monopoly.
Did you open the Vista CD yet?
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