well, it will give you the ability to use DX10, which will make them look nicer, GFX card permitting of course. However there are reports of FPS drops on Vista compared to XP.
well, it will give you the ability to use DX10, which will make them look nicer, GFX card permitting of course. However there are reports of FPS drops on Vista compared to XP.Javaguychronox
i confirm this , I am playing most of my games with my current hardware at a res of 1280x1024 at a frames of 25 & 45 not more but even less, I am not happy with it now .
The only real improvement would be DX10, but a bunch of guys are making DX10 available on XP. Only time will tell how that project goes and how well it will actually run without bringing the whole PC to it's knees.
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