Yeah, it has aged well.
I remember reviewers saying that the game didn't do the source engine justice in the sense that Half-life 2, a contemoporary release, looked much better than Bloodlines at that time. I am inclined to agree, but I never felt the game looked bad for its time.
I think I should also mention that it has some pretty choppy animations.
It plays well. It lets you deal with quests in a lot of ways, which I say is its biggest strength. There are like 5 ways to resolve situations only through socializing: dementia, domination, intimidation, seduction, persuasion. Some of them are clan-specific ( basically races for vampires ).
The downside, to me, was that the combat had its problems, though I found using disciplines ( which pass as spells for vampires ), stealth kills, and slashing with melee weapons fun. The gunplay is generally thought of as pretty bad though, with the guns doing little damage against enemies, especially vampires ( the gun selection being pretty limited at that ). They are also not very accurate ( not sure if the accuracy is improved by up-ing your firearms skill ), but I guess it's still a viable option, at least with celerity tossed in the mix ( slow motion ).
Still a good game though/8,5.
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