My attempt at scaling with the nV control panel failed. The img doesn't show much, but basically, the right monitor didn't show the entire desktop, it was cropped, sort of zoomed in. There was no start button, or toolbar visible. I also couldn't see the recycle bin, or Firefox shortcuts. The right monitor also refused to run in 32-bit mode, only in 16-bit. This was trying to run 1280x720 on a 1680x1050 monitor using nV scaling.
The left monitor did put vertical bars, as per pic, but thay weren't 'real'. The side bar over laps these bars, and really all nV scaling did was shrink the wallpaper vertically, which is useless.
I didn't try any games, because it was a mess.
In my opinion, nV scaling = fail. Others may have more luck then me though.
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