[QUOTE="thenewau25"]propably has more gore than crysus and anything so farfatshodan
More than Crysis, sure, but there are far gorier PC games. Soldier of Fortune, for one.
how cant you see that it has blood its that and sof 3 that no one knows also gat violence,thenewau25
I'm not saying it's not gory, just that there are equally gory or gorier games available for PC. As for SoF3, it's also a PC game, just like 1 and 2.
postal 2 is almost uknownthenewau25
How well known it is isn't relevant to this discussion. The topic is game violence, not game popularity.
and seriously whoever plays gears war on pc is a heretic for pc users same goes for halo!thenewau25
Again, not relevant to the discussion. It's available for PC so how can it be an example of console games being more violent?
To prove your point, you need to make a long list of console exclusive games that are more violent than games like Soldier of Fortune or Postal 2. One multiplatform game is proof of nothing.
Just to put it in perspective, Postal 2, a PC exclusive, is a game where you can pour gasoline on someone, throw a match at them to set them on fire, unzip your fly, piss on them to douse the flames, and then watch for a moment as their charred corpse writhes before executing them with a bullet through the brain.
Rememeber that violence does not necessarily equal blood, and vice versa. How violent a game is isn't necessarily measured by how much red there is on the screen. Context and styIe play a large role, too. For example, in Gears of War you're a soldier fighting in a war - and you're 'fighting the good fight' on the side of the humans, against a species trying to wipe out humans. The blood in the game is also styIised; it's not an authentic colour and it's not used in a realistic manner.
Gears of War's styIsed, 'good' violence can't even begin to compare with torturing innocent pedestrians in Postal 2, even if the game uses nowhere near as much blood.
what i mean is that kids go crazy for that bloody moments in gears of war sof3 and postal are almost unknown how can someone sum up that pc is more violent if he doesnt even know that 2 4.5 rated games got so much violence or that there are a high amount of people that actually playing them and that amount can count for the public that the tc refers in violence, eg sure people play a complelty vilent and meaningless game called manhunt but its not famous for violence almost unknown to the hysteria of gta series that year after year politicians bash for being violent, but the amount of console users is purely more agressive and fanboyz either you say its awesome or tey ll bash you if you say i am kinda confused can you explain me that you get - from them and if you say halo doesnt suck, so id say consoles are more violent! now about games being violent.. i put it this way in ign: "after seeing fallout 3 i am more excited than gears of war" hmm the gore...
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