For the longest time we've known that laptops may not be the best route to go for gaming. Gaming laptops are big, heavy, low on battery life and can get extremely hot. It's hardly the most economical option either. The worst part to me, though, was the lack of upgradeability: my one attempt to survive off of a desktop replacement ended in disappointment when I saw how quickly its GPU became useless.
So despite all those problems, people still buy gaming laptops. I noticed a product was released earlier in August called "Vidock 4" which sounds like one of the best attempts at an external GPU solution for laptops yet. I was wondering if anyone's tried out this product firsthand.
Vidock 4 basically is an expansion chassis that lets you connect a PCI-Express x16 video card to the ExpressCard slot of a laptop. It's 13 inches in length, so it can fit full length graphics cards, and supports up to a 150W power output. So in theory you should be able to buy Vidock, attach a Radeon 5770 to it, connect that to your laptop -- and that's it, when connected to an external monitor you get 5770-level performance. The Plus version comes with "a second 2 x 3 pin power connector to accommodate graphics cards that require up to 225W.", so I assume the Plus can handle GTX 470s and 5870s.
So has anyone tried these out? Do they really work? Here's the website for it: [link], [link]. It only recently came out and there's a real lack of info on it.
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